Monday, April 12, 2004

Progress, no pics

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I'm still knitting but haven't been blogging.

I'm 80% done with the Brisa top from Knitty. Found some errors in the pattern but I knitted on. Almost done with my hubby's socks out of Confetti yarn that I've had for 2 years now.

Finished one Broadripple sock but haven't cast on the 2nd one yet. I tell you, I have way too many projects going on.

This will be a busy month. Have to do the homeschool grades for my kids, SATs for the oldest one, Crochet Guild meeting, doctor's and dentist's appointments and a Homeschool field trip to Monterey (3 days) at the end of the month.

I have to find some LYS addresses in the MOnterey area. I have to be prepared!

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