Tribute to a Great Man
I cried my eyes out last night watching President Ronald Reagan's funeral. It's so heartwarming to see how he was loved and to know that Nancy will miss him terribly.
In 1982, my family and I came here to the US as immigrants. Ronald Reagan was in office then. I was totally amazed at how different it was here, us coming from a country that was under Martial Law, under the dictatorship of one man. Soon after we left our beloved country, the Marcos regime crumbled. President Reagan was the first US president I knew. Five years later, we were naturalized US Citizens. I value that gift, I value the democracy that this country offers, and I value the privileges that most people craved, that this country gifted us. Here's to a great man! Thank you, Mr. Reagan!
Okay (wiping off tears), on a knitting note:
Here's sock #1 of my Cloverleaf socks, part of the Six Sox Knitalong.

And here's another sock I just finished, from

The yarn used is the same Nature's Palette yarn I got from her, color is Owl's Clover. Very pretty color.
I am so NOT good at scanning pictures either. Just as terrible with digital cameras.
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