Quilt Rush 2007
It's been a month since I last posted! whew! Life got busy. My best friend from college came for a visit for a few days. I haven't seen Norie for about 25 years with her being in the Philippines and me here in the US. How do you cram 25 years of memories into 3 days? Seing her again brought me back to the late 70's, four memorable years of dorm life together and the hectic studies at the University of the Philippines. Those were some of the best years of my life.
Following Norie's visit was the Quilt Rush here in Sacramento. My first time to experience one. I dragged my hubby and 2 younger kids and we visited 14 quilt shops here in Sacramento all the way to Chico and south to Modesto and Stockton.
Here is a before picture of the quilt blocks from each shop. It is now finished and quilted (picture to follow).

I picked up some pincushion patterns along the way:

And finally, a wallhanging from a pattern from the Pincushion Boutique, one of my favorite quilt stores. This is called Wanderlust.