Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thank you to my crochet and knitting sisters for your comments and congratulations on my new venture. I was so antsy that I started a new crochet bag pattern and a textured sock pattern geared towards self- patterning yarns. I have too many of that and knitting them with plain stockinette stitch is just too boring. I love texture and lace.

I had to go back to Rumpels to exchange a Lorna's Laces skein. The yarn has cuts! This is the second time this has happened to me. And I was so careful untying the knot. Yes, I untie knots, you know, those knots that hold the skeins together? I don't cut them, for fear of cutting thru the yarn. And I still get cuts. Luckily, Linda can return them to Lorna's.

Crochet Guild meeting tonight.

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