Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Moi, a Designer?

Today, I went to Rumpelstiltskin (LYS here in Sacramento) to see if Linda (the owner) would be interested in selling some of my patterns in her store. I tried not to have any expectations, came prepared for rejection, but still a little shaky with excitement.

She bought my patterns! How cool is that? I brought my knitted samples with me, as well as half a dozen of each pattern already printed. She's one cool lady. She even asked me if I would be willing to sell the sample scarf I knitted if anyone wants to buy it and gave me a rather good price for it. She said that my asking price was $20 too low, he, he.

After learning that I crochet too, she suggested that I design some purse patterns for the store, using her yarns. Apparently, it's in huge demand. I went home with yarns and my head filled with some of my patterns waiting to be written down.

This is one great, fulfilling feeling. I have been crocheting for so long and knitting socks for so long, that I know I will be able to make this work.

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