Saturday, September 11, 2004

Totally, utterly lost

I can't believe it! I'm lost without the stole. It's kinda like I don't have a purpose anymore ( ha, ha!). Good news is that Jonelle loved it even with the changes I made to the pattern. And without a project to finish, I'm wandering aimlessly between the piles of wool in my craft room. But wait, I almost forgot the last sock I have to knit for Mary. I'll get that finished and out to her soon.

I also finished Teresa's socks and with the leftover yarn, I'm knitting her a lace scarf. Teresa Simons (Mountain Shadow Ranch)is my spinning mentor. She has taught me a lot on spinning, wool preparation, sheep breeds and has been very generous with her time and awesome fibers. I love hanging out with her.

I have been thinking a lot about designing my own patterns. In the works right now is a lace scarf pattern from one skein of Cara Mia yarn. The pattern is already written up. Just need some sprucing up. Second is a pair of lace socks. Third is some lace fingerless mitts. Yes, I am addicted to lace!

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