Monday, September 06, 2004

I finished the stole!

It's over! It's finished! No more lace stole! What an utter relief! I'm going to miss the blasted thing. I don't remember anymore when I started the Simple Elegance Stole (designed by Debra Chinn) that I knitted for Southwest Trading Co. (Soysilk). I washed and blocked it and it's drying upstairs. Very tedious but ended up being breathtaking. But I can't knit another one for myself. Once I send it back to Jonelle, I really don't see myself knitting another one. It's not the pattern. It's me. I don't see myself knitting the same pattern over and over again. That's why we buy so many patterns. So we can knit a brand new pattern everytime.

The CA State Fair ends today. I had a wonderful time helping Teresa do a demo on Spinning Cotton. People were amazed to see that we still spin on handspindles. Very antiquated, they say. Teresa and Corwyn spun on spinning wheels. I spun with drop spindles. I noticed that more kids crowded around me. They were fascinated with the toy wheel spindle I made. The adults were more interested in the spinning wheels.

The fair was a success. Only 1 hitch. When the fair people cancelled Black History day last Saturday and closed the fair early at 9 pm instead of midnight. There was some protest but I guess they had to do it because they didn't want a repeat of what happened last year. Oh well.

I'm happily off to new project and finishing off old ones (yeah, right).

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