Friday, September 21, 2012

I started working on this quilt, probably, in 2010, worked on it on and off. Finished it in 2011. This was my first and only attempt at Watercolor quilting. This is also a Quilt As You Go (QAYG) technique. Then, I attached each block to each other by hand sewing strips over the seams, thus creating the stained-glass effect. I never used the quilt probably because it was too pretty and I've put in a lot of work into it. Yesterday, I donated it to Love Inc., a local Christian charity that helps Sacramento locals with donations. The quilt will be auctioned off at a banquet, with the proceeds to be used for a good cause. My selfish self didn't want to let it go but a quiet voice seemed to whisper that I can make another one. In spite of the tedious work, I really enjoyed the whole process. And it's giving me another idea for the next one.

1 comment:

  1. It's lovely. I hope that it raises a lot of money, but no matter how much it raises, your gift was a very generous donation of your time and artistic talents.
