Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I wake up at 3 am in the morning and this is what I pick up:
When I was at Tuesday morning, I found some sock weight yarns, Araucania, wool/silk/nylon blend, on sale for $5.99 and 6.99 per skein. Not sure about the price difference but I bought 3 skeins, about 430 yds per skein. Not bad. I have a lot of ongoing projects but this one helps me with the insomnia problem.

The project is the Live Oak Shawlette from Knitscene Fall 2011.

When the anxiety kicks in, I turn to this project to get my mind off of thinking too much. Yesterday afternoon, I felt the anxious thoughts coming on. I decided to dance to the Wii. After 2 songs, it worked. I felt much better. Not only that, I was able to take a refreshing nap. It helped with the shortness of breath. I probably got about 5-6 hours of sleep last night, including the 3 am waking. I was able to get back to sleep, thank God! I have to cope with this perimenopause thing one day at a time.

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