Thursday, February 10, 2011

Joel took the day off last Friday and we were able to go to San Francisco and visit the Exploratorium. Now, we go to San Francisco quite often and are familiar with the streets. We know where the Exploratorium is located since we've been there before but once again, we got lost getting there.

We ended up heading towards the Golden Gate Bridge. We immediately took the last exit before the bridge, took an immediate right turn and found ourselves in the Presidio. Ok, perfect field trip moment. I run off some history about the Presidio (we homeschool, you know, so I never miss moments like these). Then on the way down the hill, we see the beach (super perfect view , mind you). Then it hits me: I haven't seen this view before! Well, maybe I have but just forgot?? I lived in the Bay Area for almost 14 years before we moved to Sacramento. We hung out in San Francisco, Daly City, etc, but why have I not seen this beach view before?

Then, we see on the right Baker Beach. Aha! yes, I've been there before, once. The kids wanted to see Baker Beach and Joel and I yelled NO! If we remember correctly, it's a favorite haunt for nudists. And no, we didn't participate (ha,ha). It was in the late 90s and we didn't stay long after the initial shock.

We made it to the Exploratorium after me telling Joel that we needed to get there before the 5 pm closing. It was 2 pm afterall.

The kids and Joel had a blast. I walked with my Dad, saw some exhibits, tried some, visited the gift shop and sat down near a wi-fi area and played with my iPod.

yeah, yeah, I was planning on doing my homeschool/fieldtrip/teacher gig but decided to let the kids just experience all of it for themselves. Besides, they knew how to manipulate the gadgets more than I did anyway. Now, take me to a Stitches West convention and I can last for hours on end like the Energizer bunny.

So, here's a pic of Emily beside a vortex/whirlpool thingie. To her right (my left) is this huge glass tank filled with water. If you peer closely, you will see the whirlpool.

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