Friday, December 10, 2010

15 more days 'til Christmas! Usually, I have the chance of enjoying the few months, weeks, before Christmas but not this year. It's coming too fast and I'm not ready for it.

Today, 16 years ago, Joel and I got married. I woke up this morning to a dozen roses, a box of 2 dozen See's chocolates, and 3 potted indoor plants. He knows me really well even though I keep telling him not to waste money on roses that will wilt in a few days. But man, I love roses, and plants. I still have the plants he's given me through the years. I have a green thumb just like my mom. And Joel? I love him.

Dec 12th would have been my mom and dad's 51st wedding anniversary. We will celebrate too.

Dec 13th is my oldest daughter's 21st birthday. We're celebrating Danielle's bday with a party tomorrow, combined with the anniversaries.

On the knitting front, I'm knitting Stefanie Japel's Alexandra ballet sweater from the book Fitted Knits. There were some errors and I was able to dodge them. But, I'm making adjustments and some changes. Just like a knitter.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated anniversary. We have lots of birthdays in December too, including my mothers. She would have been 83 today. Bitter sweet, lots of good memories. Yesterday was my great granddtrs 1st and my stepgrandson's 15th, the 19th is my niece's and my bro-in-laws, and of course the 25th we celebrate Jesus's. The last of Nov. was one brother's and the first of Dec. the others.
