Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The weather outside is cool. Actually, it was cold this morning when I drove my son to school. But during the day, it gets pretty warm. I love Fall, better than the other 3 seasons. Growing up in the Philippines, we only had two seasons, HOT and Rainy. From March to June, it gets really hot and humid. Come July all the way to September/October, the monsoons come and it's almost non stop rain, with thunder and lightning. Most often, there are typhoons.

There are some good months of perfect weather though: from November to early February, the holidays, Christmas, New Year. My favorite months. I remember sitting outside our porch, smelling the afternoon breeze, smelling the rice harvest. The rice paddies are long gone, replaced by housing and commercial buildings. The province of Cavite where I grew up in used to be a beautiful countryside of rice paddies and fruit trees. The little town of Imus where I lived, back in the 80s, had 2 high schools, one theater, one open air market and a few scattered mom and pop stores. We used to walk to school. We knew our neighbors. If you want some major shopping, you go to Manila.

Fast forward about 3 decades: the little town of Imus is now a major city. Every small space is now inhabited by people from other provinces. Lots of squatters. And the people I used to know have migrated to the US, to Canada, Australia, even Europe. The air is polluted due to the numerous tricycles and jeeps and buses. It's no longer as safe as it was before. And the weather? It seems a lot hotter and humid. The typhoons seem to be stronger and more destructive.

I miss my old homeland. I miss the old days. I'm feeling nostalgic since my dad is going back there for another visit. I wish I could go too.

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