We're home!! Actually, we've been home since Saturday.
I have a lot to say about Hawaiian Airlines. It's very convenient to fly Hawaiian since it's the only airlines, that we know of, flying from Sacramento to the Phils. But it's plagued with delays. Going to the US and coming back is a never-ending list of delays. We almost missed the connecting flight from Hawaii to Sac because of delays.
Some are unavoidable, I know, but what are the odds?
I miss my hometown but not the humidity and heat. I miss my cousins and aunts and uncles. I even miss the continuous noise of the the jeeps and tricycles even through the night and early hours. I don't miss the mosquito bites. I have 26 bites on my legs and arm. They're almost gone now except for the faint brown marks.
It was sad saying goodbye to my relatives specially my cousin Aris, who has Downs Syndrome. He is one of the sweetest people I know. He was crying when we left which made it even harder for me.
I will make an effort to visit more often and not wait another 17 years. My kids will want to come too since they told me they had fun too while we were there. I think it's the lizards.
Glad you and your family are back safe and sound. It is hard being away from family, but I usually go aaah when I get home. I hope you'll share some pictures.