Saturday, May 08, 2010

Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there. I hope you get the pampering you need/want. You, I mean, we, all deserve it--lol!

Me, I just want a nice quiet time with my hubby and kids and my dad. We will go to the cemetery, bring some flowers, maybe a balloon or two, and release them heavenwards. Ahh, we still miss my mom. It has become a routine, every Sunday, after church to go visit my mom at the cemetery. If only the caretakers will stop throwing away the flowers and decorations we bring each week. That's another story.

My hubby and I have been experiencing a lot of frustration with his side of the family. His sisters have been fighting over their mom's jewelries and pictures and memorabilia she left behind. There's just a lot of stress and strife and back stabbing. We want no part of it but they're persistently trying to get my hubby involved. I wish they would leave us alone.

1 comment:

  1. I think that they way you're honoring your late mother is very sweet and touching. I hope that the strife with your in-laws doesn't ruin the day for you. They just need to be reminded (but not by you) that their mother's memory doesn't reside in those pieces of jewelry, but rather in the love and sentiment in which they were added to her collection. Does that make sense? For example, my sister has the last pair of earrings that we'd given my grandmother for Christmas. My grandmother wore them every single day until she passed away, and now whenever my sister wears them, or whenever I see them, the first thing that anyone thinks of is how much my grandmother enjoyed them. It's not about WHO wears them - it's about how everyone feels when that piece reminds them of someone we all loved so much.
