It dawned on me last night that my younger kids don't know a lot about 9-11. Matthew was almost 5 and Emily, only 10 months old, when it all happened. They did not know about the 4 planes and most of what happened that day. Last night, I told them the story, and the heroism of the men and women on the last plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. They were stunned and quiet and just absorbed all of it.
I hope that that's what they remember, the heroism, not the hate, not the terror although it's all part of it, but remember the men and women who perished, those who helped save some, the firefighters, the police, the port authorities, brave souls, all of them, who were just doing their jobs but gave the best gift ever.
God bless America.
Thanks for your comment over on my blog. I hope you enjoy knitting all these little shawl patterns I have out now. Gropies are always welcome. There's a westknits fanclub group over on ravelry where people help each other out with the patterns and chit chat. I'll have some more designs coming out this fall and winter and not just more shawls, although I do like knitting and designing them. There will be more hats, other accessories and a sweater or two in the future!