Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I'm burnt out on sewing bags (-lol) so I'm back to making quilts and sewing stuff.

Here are some baby booties (for my hubby's nieces who are having babies soon).

Can you imagine the hundreds of tiny pieces of fabric (no smaller than 2 inches) I sewed together to make this quilt? Most were leaders and enders, scraps, leftovers from past quilts, etc. It was a long but fun process. This will serve as a floor quilt for my kids to lie on while watching TV.

and this one's a rug. I'm painting a non-slip rubber backing on its back (available at Michael's).

And finally, my watercolor quilt, started months ago, just now finished. It's a quilt-as-you-go type, done with strips sewn diagonally. I don't know if I will do this again. There are just way too many other patterns to go through in this lifetime that I don't see myself repeating patterns. Way too many.



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