Monday, February 19, 2007

Once in a while, on a good day, Blogger lets me post pictures. I think it's conflicting with AOL. I really, really, REALLY hate AOL. But since I'm getting it for free, I shouldn't complain. AOL and COMCAST should be banned from the face of the earth.

This quilt was from a QUILTMAKER magazine pattern. I used mostly scrap fabric in the blues colorway. One of my favorite quilt styles is the scrappy style, fun, funky, ecclectic. But again, once in a while, you get this urge to create something classic.

On the KNITTING front, I'm working on a lace shawl (2 in fact) for Hand Jive Knits. The project that Southwest Trading wants me to work on has not arrived yet. I also have to finish off some projects for Yolo Wool Mill. And, my friend, Teresa Simons, who moved to Oregon and opened a Fiber shop there, will also be carrying my patterns.

yeee hahhh!

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