Friday, December 29, 2006

I can't believe how unbelievably fast time flies. My oldest daughter turned 17. The year 2006 is almost over. I feel sad but I learned so many new things this year.

Quilting soothes me. Unlike knitting, I do and finish my quilting projects one at a time. I have this urge to finish before I start a new one.

I finished my gift to Angela, the Swallowtail shawl from Interweave Knits. I knitted it with cotton/rayon blend yarn because of her allergy to wool. The yarn was handpainted by me a year ago, and sat in my stash forever. I knew somehow that it will turn into a project. Pics to follow.

I dropped off the guild library books with the guild President last night. It felt like I finished that chapter and finally closed the book. Why do I feel so darn dreary??? Even I'm depressing myself, he,he.

I need to go visit some quilt stores and drop by Knitique. Danielle never fails to lighten my mood.

And thanks, Beth!

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