Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Blogger will not let me upload pictures again.

Second week of the Sacramento County workers' strike. We're getting nervous but still hanging in there.

I will miss the Crochet Guild's monthly meetings. I signed up to be a group leader at our kids' church AWANA program. Every Wednesday starting tonight 'til May 2007. Priorities.

Knitting: socks from's SOTM. Trekking yarn. Love it!

Handpainting: I dyed several skeins of Watermelon yarn, Halloween yarn, Candy corn yarn and Christmas colors! Finally.

Sewing: Finished several bags, Christmas stockings, 1 quilt, and working on a new one.

Crocheting: Tigger for Angela!

Note: All of the above seems overwhelming. I don't do them all at the same time. I cannot sit still without using my hands at some craft or another. Another thing: I'm running on adrenaline and caffein. (just kidding)

Anyone out there like me?

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