Monday, October 17, 2005

We have a project at the Knitting guild to knit squares which will be put together to make lapghans. These will then be donated to a Veteran's home or a nursing home in the Sacramento area. I volunteered, as well as 2 other members, to put them together. I had a grand old time doing it. Here are the results:

and another:

I crocheted the squares together. Some were oversized and some were undersized. There was one lady who knitted several fair isle (see the blue lapghan) squares, changing colors each row. Would you believe she cut each color every row instead of carrying them up? I must have had thousands of ends to weave in. My mom helped. I could have thrown the squares out but I persevered. Well, hey, this lady must have been a new knitter and to her, those squares meant something.

The project is ongoing. On the weekend of the 22nd, October, our Crochet Guild will be putting squares together for the Warm Up America organization. This will be held at Michael's on Truxel road in the Natomas area. Knitters are welcome to help.

Regarding my previous post, Lynette asked: "Are the knitters (Sac Guild) nicer to each other these days?"

I hesitate to answer (but I will): Welllll, yes and no. Two months back, there was an outburst from one of the members. I can't blame her and I can't blame the other members for cringing in their seats (me included) when it happened. I'll tell you all about it when I see you. Don't be afraid to come! You're missing out on all the beautiful projects.

Last month, there was an hour discussion on making motions, seconding the motion, making another motion on top of the other one you just made. I stopped listening at this point. It gave me a huge headache and made me dizzy and confused, he, he.

The officers and some members are so deep into making everything formal and politically correct that I think they've forgotten the primary purpose of the Guild. To knit,to enjoy, to learn and be with other knitters and have fun doing it.

see ya...

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