Monday, May 02, 2005

So inspired

I enjoy reading lots of knitting blogs but there's a few that I read regularly. One of them is Vera's. I find lots of inspirations in her blog, with the projects she has, both knitting and crocheting related.

One time, I saw her doilies. Wow! I've sworn off doilies. I started with doilies. My very first crocheted piece was a doily and I got a special award for it. (That was during my high school years, centuries ago, he, he). Anyway, I thought I have already retired my metal hooks and my size 10 threads. But like I said, Vera inspires me.

Here's my Crinoline Lady. She's a pattern by Cylinda Matthews from Crochet Memories. There's very few thread crochet designers that I trust and Cylinda's one of them. I trust that her patterns are easy to follow with little or no errors. And I get them emailed asap upon payment. Instant gratification!

My little lady is still missing some ribbons and flowers , to be added later, but I love the way she looks. I'm on a hunt for more Crinoline lady patterns.

Here's a second one: Flowers!

I found the center motif in one of my old hardback books, made some changes on the edges, and will crochet me a summer shawl. We'll see how this one turns out. I'm using size 10 cotton crochet threads.

I still remember the rectangular tablecloth and full-sized bedspread I crocheted in high school. Back in the Philippines, we never heard of wool or acrylics. Being a hot and humid tropical country, we used cotton crochet thread we called bedspread cotton. It took me one whole year to finish these 2 pieces, with my mom's help. I don't know what happened to these 2 works of art since that time we immigrated to the US in the 80's. I wish I had been more careful and brought them with me.

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