Thursday, February 03, 2005

I have been too lazy to make a blog entry... or maybe just too busy finishing some stuff. Stitches West is almost here and I can feel the excitement in my bones. There are some rovings I want to buy from Carolina Homespun but will wait 'til I get there.

I've been delving into bead knitting. Currently knitting a beaded lacy scarf from a Swallow Hill pattern and I like it. Heartstrings Fiberarts has tons of neat beaded patterns and Elann carries most of them. The Knittingzone is another online store that sells Jackie E-S' patterns.

And of course I can't have just one project at a time. I'm crocheting Lily Chin's Top down Mock Faroese shawl for West Valley Alpacas. The Crochet Guild Convention will be held in Oakland, CA in July and Pat will have a booth. I have been "commissioned" to design some crochet patterns for her using alpaca yarns.

And tonight, I have decided to join the local Knitting Guild. It's about time, I think. I've been wishy-washy long enough and I can't use the excuse of the long drive, can't leave the kids with hubby or missing my favorite Thursday shows. Egad! I will miss some of my shows!!

Well, so, okay, I can tape them.

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