Monday, July 12, 2004

More FO's this week but no pictures yet. I finished number 2 Flower poncho from Stitch Diva but with changes. I tried it on and it looks good. Believe it or not, it can also be worn as a skirt, on top of another skirt. It's too lacy to be worn alone--lol! Scandalous!

Finishing 2 more socks. I'm making a dent in my stash, an itty bitty teeny weeny dent. Unfortunately , I also dyed more sock yarns, and added more to my stash. Fortunately, I sold several lots of handpainted sock yarns in my Ebay store.

I mailed the pair of pattern tested socks back to Mary McCall with the 2 foams heads that she asked me to obtain for her. Sheesh, we waited for 2 months for those foam heads to arrive! Foam heads, you ask? Head-shaped styrofoams used to display your knitted or crocheted hats. Can also be used to display wigs.

Southwest Trading has also sent me the latest knitting project for me to work on, Simple Elegance shawl (Knit 'n Style pattern) using Infinity yarn. Picture sewing thread size but doubled on size 3 needles. I'm working on it! Slow going but I'm making progress.

The rest of the projects are put on hold. No more new ones until I can see progress on the shawl (yeah, right). And of course, I can still do socks. Socks are quick.

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