Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Library book sale

Being a member of the Knitswap group in Yahoo,  I saw a post that blew my mind. I believe it was Lynda who posted that she donated her collection of  Interweave Knits, Piecework, Vogue Knitting, FCEK, and Spinoff magazines to the local branch of the Sacramento Library, just a few minutes away from where I live.

Come Saturday morning, I was there at nine o'clock , and zeroed in on the magazines.   I was the only one interested. There were no others.  Almost everyone flocked to the books.  I saw them all and I conquered.  I asked the girls manning the table if I could have several paper bags because I'm buying a lot of magazines.

Most of the issues were out of print. There was a premier issue or two.  They were all my favorite magazines.  Final count:  50 magazines at  10 cents a piece!   A whopping $5.00  .   It was sad because the library did not know the value of those magazines.  And I felt like I was stealing.  But before I went home,  I made a donation. 

Thank you, Lynda, wherever you are.  THANK YOU!

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