Monday, March 15, 2004

Last Saturday, I went to the Sacramento Spinners and Weavers Open House. I went early thinking it would be packed like last year. Was surprised to find lots of parking and a few people in attendance. There were lots of beautiful display of handwoven garments but very little knitted items. Some spinning wheels, a few spindles, and mostly weaving equipments.

I allotted some money to buy spinning rovings but found some overpriced, scratchy wool, some handpaints which I can dye myself, and old Workbasket magazines. Bleckkk.....

Last year was much more exciting, lots of stuff to buy, better displays, etc etc. So, off I went to Rumpelstiltskin on 10th and R Street. Scored the last of the Kureyons and found Patons' latest felted bag pattern booklet.

All in all, I spent 30 minutes at the Open House and 2 hours at Rumpels ( he, he...).

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