Monday, February 09, 2004

The Grammy's was last night but I didn't watch it! Yayyy! But I caught the first act, Prince and Beyonce`. I can't believe Prince still looked the same as he did in the 80's. The boy has not aged.

I watched "Pearl Harbor" in its entirety instead. Gorgeous Ben and Josh were fascinating! I liked the movie. Worth missing the Grammy's for.

I finished knitting several bags, one from Recycled Silk yarn that my dear friend, Teresa Simons, gave me for Christmas. Not a very easy yarn to work with but the final product was beautiful. My Valentine's sock is almost finished. I have to finished these UFOs before I start a new one. I'm craving more bags.

I opened up an Ebay Store. Have to get rid of all my stash, make room for more wool. Will post pictures soon.

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