Thursday, April 09, 2015
Quilting again
This wallhanging is a paper pieced quilt from a Craftsy seller, Here is her link. The daffodil is a free pattern. Daffodils were one of my mom's favorite flowers, as well as roses, calla lillies, gardenias, begonias and many more.
I finished a second one, also from the same seller. This one is a for sale pattern. This one is going to my sister-in-law.
More news:
We've acquired 2 abandoned kittens. We went from a not pet household to having 2 kittens.
Ebi is the male kitty on top of the picture and O.P. is his little sister. O.P. for Olivia Pope (my daughter's choice) or Opie. These two fight like cats and dogs. This is a rare picture of them getting along.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
DREAM Beanies
This is Jose Luis Zelaya, probably the fastest crocheter in the world. He's trying to fulfill a dream of finishing and completing his PhD by supporting himself through crocheting beanies.